Standing in solidarity with Ukraine

A bullet never leads to peace, tanks do not pave the way to mutual understanding and missiles will not solve any conflict. The EAIE stands with our colleagues in Ukraine, affected students, their families and loved ones, and strongly condemns Russia’s violent acts of war against the country.
At the EAIE, we uphold democratic values and the freedoms that they bring. The EAIE’s vision for “an equitable world in which international education connects diverse perspectives and fosters greater understanding” is under direct threat when violence upends societies. The military aggression by Russia against Ukraine is unacceptable not only in the way it violates international agreements on sovereignty and human rights but by causing unnecessary suffering and loss of life. The EAIE community is deeply saddened by the news that civilians have lost their lives as a result of the military actions.
Our thoughts are with all people affected by the unfolding crisis and with our community, the universities, the higher education sector in Ukraine and the international students currently studying in the country as well as the Ukrainian students and educators studying and working abroad. We also stand in unity with our Russian colleagues who are deeply troubled by the actions of their government these last days.
Moving forward, it will be vital for the European higher education community to assist the Ukrainian higher education sector in its efforts to recover from these events and remain an engaged international partner. The EAIE stands in solidarity with Ukraine.