Cookie policy

The EAIE uses cookies that are strictly necessary to enable you to move around our site or to provide certain basic features. We also use cookies to help us to improve the performance of our website to provide you with a better user experience. If you visit our site, we assume you are okay with the following cookies being used.

The EAIE uses cookies on its website there are 3 types of cookies used on our website:

Necessary cookies

The EAIE uses a cookie, generally known as a functional or necessary cookie, to store information related to the operation of the website, such as your cookie acceptance settings, login status and your registration status.

Analytics cookies

These cookies measure the use of our website. Google Analytics gives us insight into how many visitors come to our site and which parts of our website visitors find most interesting. We use analytics in order to continuously improve our website and create a user friendly experience.

Marketing/Social media cookies

These cookies make it possible to share the content of our website through social media and for you to view our Twitter stream. For more information, please see:

Cookie consent is managed by 3rd party cookie consent tool Civic Cookie Control. Consent for analytic and marketing cookies can be managed via the Civic Cookie Control panel, accessible upon first visiting the site and at any time by clikcing the icon in the bottom left corner of our website.