Join expert trainers for hands-on tips on how to implement and improve online teaching and learning at your institution.
All around the globe, a growing number of institutions are engaging their students in virtual exchange (VE). Also known as Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) or telecollaboration, these intercultural collaborative projects bring students and partners from other countries together to interact and work side by side using digital technologies.
Virtual exchange has great potential to foster essential 21st-century employability skills, including information and digital literacy, problem-solving and communication skills, global awareness, empathy, critical and analytical thinking, foreign language skills and intercultural competencies. In times of reduced international mobility, it provides a crucial additional tool for institutions’ international programmes. Additionally, it plays a significant role in Blended Mobility and Blended Intensive Programmes which have recently gained much attention in higher education contexts.
The course is led by experienced trainers Robert O’Dowd and Shannon Sauro, who will guide you through this hands-on course and give you the tools to deploy virtual exchange at your institution. This course comprises six hours of face-to-face learning and approximately two hours of self-guided study to be completed before the final learning session.
This course will offer a comprehensive introduction to virtual exchange and provide a clear overview of the different models and approaches available. Case studies and examples from existing projects and initiatives will illustrate the advantages and challenges this approach to learning can involve.
Work with actual cases to apply good practice and sharpen your instincts
This course provides excellent training for international relations officers, managers and staff involved in promoting and supporting education innovation at their institutions. The course will involve regular opportunities for interaction and moderated group discussion.
Associate Professor for English as a Foreign Language and Applied Linguistics, University of León
EAIE member: €95
Non-member: €175
03 Nov: 14:00–17:30 CET
05 Nov: 14:00–17:00 CET
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Associate Professor for English as a Foreign Language and Applied Linguistics, University of León
Dr Robert O'Dowd is Associate Professor (professor titular) for English as a Foreign Language and Applied Linguistics at the University of León, Spain. He is particularly interested in Online Intercultural Exchange and exploring how online communication can be exploited by universities to support and enhance student learning. He has taught at universities in Ireland, Germany and Spain and has over 40 publications on the application of Virtual Exchange in university and pre-university education settings. He was the founding president of the UNICollaboration academic organisation for telecollaboration and virtual exchange and has been invited to be plenary speaker at international conferences in the US, Asia and across Europe.
In 2019, he was co-editor of a special edition of the prestigious journal Language Learning & Technology on Virtual Exchange in Foreign Language Education. He also coordinated the European Commission’s Erasmus+ KA3 project Evaluating and Upscaling Telecollaborative Teacher Education (EVALUATE), a European Policy Experimentation which studied the impact of Virtual Exchange on over 1000 student teachers involved in Initial Teacher Education across Europe.
Within the EAIE, Robert has served on the Language and Culture Expert Community Steering group for a number of years and has greatly enjoyed promoting language and intercultural learning activities within the Association.
Assistant Professor, University of Maryland
Shannon Sauro is a specialist in technologically-mediated language teaching and learning at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (USA). Shannon has taught at universities in the United States and Sweden. Her areas of research include the role of virtual exchange in teacher education as well as the intersection of online fan practices and language learning and teaching. She has published widely in these areas and is editor of the books CALL for Mobility (with Joanna Pitura) and The Handbook of Technology and Second Language Teaching and Learning (with Carol A. Chapelle). She is past president of the Computer-Assisted Language Instruction Consortium (CALICO) and currently serves on the board of UNICollaboration, an organisation for virtual exchange. She holds a PhD in educational linguistics from the University of Pennsylvania and an MA in teaching English to speakers of other languages from Iowa State University.