EAIE Gothenburg 2025

Explore 'GO-create' at EAIE Gothenburg 2025. The call for proposals is now closed. Submitters will be notified about their proposal status in early March 2025.


Call for proposals: in review

Thank you to those who have submitted proposals. The Conference Programme Committee looks forward to reading your creative ideas for sessions, workshops and more. You will be notified of the results in early March.

View your submission

Understand the #EAIE2025 proposal types 

Every individual absorbs information uniquely – therefore, our educational content is as diverse as our participants’ preferences! We seek out current and thought-provoking topics and speakers who can engage their audiences. Browse the various types of content delivery you will find in the programme.


Panel sessions

A quick and engaging forum for the exchange of ideas around a specific topic.

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World Café

Designed for an open discussion and accessing the collective intelligence in the room.

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Fishbowl session

Seated in concentric circles, the lines between speaker and audience are blurred to promote deeper exploration of topics.

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Ignite session

Fast paced, 5 minute individual presentations designed to to generate awareness and stimulate discussion.

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Poster session

Fostering a dynamic interaction between presenter and participants, it showcases original ideas with compelling visuals.

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Enhance your skills and network with peers in our pre-conference workshops on Tuesday.

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GO-create in Gothenburg 2025!

Learn about Gothenburg's creative and collaborative spirit, and discover how we'll tap into this at EAIE Gothenburg 2025.

Read the blog

Frequently asked questions

If you haven't found the answer to your question, please contact the EAIE Office.  

Who can submit a proposal?

All professionals active in international higher education, regardless of experience level, are welcome to submit a proposal. You don't have to be an EAIE member to be eligible for submission. It is important that your proposal tackles a topic within the field of international higher education and represents diverse perspectives where more than one voice is included. Please review the differences between sessions, workshops, poster sessions and the Ignite© sessions in order to select the option best suited to your expertise and availability.  

Do speakers need to register and pay to attend the conference?

All speakers must pay the participation fee and register for the conference. As the EAIE is a non-profit organisation, no subsidy is paid to session speakers. As a thank you for sharing their time and expertise however, speakers receive a special speaker-discount on the regular participation fee. We also offer a one-day reduced fee option to session speakers and poster speakers who will only be attending the day of their session. Those contributing as workshop facilitators can request a one-day fee waiver if they will only be attending the day of their workshop.  

How many contributors can I add to my proposal?

  • Sessions: two speakers + one chair 
  • Posters: up to two speakers 
  • Ignite© sessions: one speaker (no grouped proposals) 
  • Workshops: two facilitators 

Each speaker or workshop facilitator can participate in a maximum of two accepted programme events (session, poster, ignite, workshop) at the conference, only one of which may be a workshop. 

Can all contributors be from the same institution?

Overall diversity of speakers and institutions represented in sessions at the conference is taken into account for the final selection of sessions, therefore it is strongly recommended that the panel consists of speakers from different countries or institutions. 

When is the deadline for submitting a proposal?

The deadline for submitting proposals for workshops, sessions, posters and Ignite sessions is 04 November 2024 17:00 CET. It will not be possible to submit proposals after this date. By logging into the session proposal portal, you can return to your saved proposal and make changes until the deadline, even if it has already been submitted. 

What happens to my proposal once submitted?

The EAIE’s Conference Programme Committee (CPC), together with the Professional Development Committee (PDC) and the EAIE Thematic Committees, play an active role in reviewing and deciding upon the final conference programme over the winter months.  

The conference programme is curated to ensure the overall content offered is timely, relevant and high-quality, reflecting the full breadth of the field of internationalisation according to the EAIE’s taxonomy.  

In early March, submitters will be notified by e-mail of the outcome (acceptance or rejection) of their proposal. It is the responsibility of the submitter to inform all speakers listed of the outcome. Submitters of accepted proposals will be asked to confirm that they accept the Conference Programme Committee’s invitation to be a part of the conference programme. Please note that, in some cases, amendments must be made as a condition of acceptance. 

What is the EAIE’s policy on promotion in sessions, posters and workshops?

The EAIE Conference programme is a forum for learning and networking and is therefore non-commercial. Content presented at the EAIE Conference is offered to help professionals in the field to further internationalise their institution and develop new ideas. 

Under no circumstances should content presented be used for any direct or indirect promotion of a product, service, programme, university or other self-interest. Contact us for sponsorship and promotional opportunities at the EAIE Conference. 

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Discover the many ways you can help shape the future of international education by lending your time, expertise and passion. Explore mentoring opportunities, become a writer or engage in one of the many other ways to make a lasting impact.

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