EAIE Toulouse 2024

See what session types you will find in the conference programme and understand how each tackles its content in different ways.

Session types

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Every year we seek out current and thought-provoking topics and speakers who can engage their audiences with quality-driven content in lively and informative discussions. These are the session types you will find in the conference programme.

Panel session

A panel session is made up of short, thought-provoking and stimulating presentations from two experts in the field, followed by a discussion with the audience under the guidance of the Chair. The session Chair is tasked with briefly introducing the speakers and stimulating the discussion of different viewpoints among speakers and participants. Interactivity and creative session types are highly encouraged.  

Attend a panel session if you:

  • Enjoy absorbing information without interacting too much with others around you

  • Are interested in the specific topic covered in the session

  • Have questions to ask the speakers at the end of the session

World Café

World Café format facilitates open discussion, accessing the collective intelligence in the room. Participants move between roundtables at regular intervals, discussing a predetermined question or idea per table by writing their thoughts on the paper tablecloth, continuing the discussion left by the table’s previous occupants.

Attend a World Café if you:

  • Enjoy smaller group discussions and networking

  • Are interested in peer learning and exchanging ideas

  • Learn best through creative brainstorming and content deep-dives 

Fishbowl session

The fishbowl format removes the traditional barriers between the speakers and audience by placing the Chair, speakers and audience in concentric circles. Participants listen to the discussions with the added opportunity to join the fishbowl and share their own thoughts, experiences and best practices on the content matter should they so wish.

Attend a fishbowl session if you:

  • Are looking to try a unique, non-traditional way to engage with a topic

  • Value peer learning and exchanging of best practices

  • Enjoy sitting back and listening or actively participating in the discussion

Ignite© session

Ignite© sessions are fast-paced sessions designed to generate awareness and stimulate discussion. Each session is made up of a number of five-minute presentations by different speakers. These are a perfect introduction for first-time speakers, yet also great for experienced speakers as they are designed to provide an engaging, novel platform for speakers to exchange their ideas on a specific topic.

Attend an Ignite© session if you:

  • Want to gain rapid-fire insights on diverse topics in a short amount of time

  • Witness engaging presentations and concise talks from experienced speakers

  • Get inspired by interdisciplinary thinking and approaches


A workshop is a training experience available to conference participants upon payment of an additional fee on the Tuesday of the Conference. Workshops provide skills and leave participants with enhanced knowledge, new information and take-aways. Additionally, workshops are a networking opportunity to connect with fellow participants before the sessions begin on Wednesday. 

Attend a conference workshop if you:

  • Want to gain insights and sharpen your skills in a specific area of internationalisation

  • Enjoy collaborating and networking with fellow participants

  • Are looking for an extra pre-conference activity for Tuesday 

Poster sessions

Poster sessions offer a unique opportunity to engage with and talk at length with those interested in specific innovations and research. They present original ideas, as well as new techniques or technologies being used to facilitate the internationalisation of higher education, in poster format. Speakers work with graphic designers to produce an interesting and enticing poster that inspires participants to discuss it with the presenter and those around them. 

Attend a poster session if you:

  • Would like to be inspired by innovative and original ideas

  • Are a visual person and enjoy a unique representation of a topic

  • Want to engage with the presenters and ask questions about their posters

Campfire session

Campfire sessions are an open forum where participants spontaneously generate the content in real-time, leading the discussion in exciting new directions. Set in a relaxed environment, campfire sessions are designed to stimulate storytelling over a 60-minute session. The facilitator helps to reveal common issues by encouraging participants to share their own stories and experiences around the topic with the others in the campfire pod. 

Attend a campfire session if you:

  • Like to network and engage with participants with similar interests

  • Enjoy the inspiring and informal setting of a campfire pod

  • Want to share or listen to participants' stories