Membership policy
Membership policy
The EAIE expects that individuals will use their membership as a means of raising the profile of international education within their own organisations, networking with like-minded professionals on matters relating to internationalisation in higher education, and enhancing their knowledge and professionalism in the field.
The EAIE accepts membership applications from individuals who are willing to operate within the EAIE Code of Conduct. Where it can be shown that a member operates in a manner which breaches the EAIE’s Code of Conduct, misuses membership, makes false statements about membership of the EAIE or illegitimately claims a relationship with the EAIE, such individuals will have their membership summarily terminated.
Decisions relating to the revoking of EAIE membership will be made by the Association’s Board and confirmed by the President and Executive Director. Such decisions will be communicated in writing by the Executive Director to the individuals concerned.
Group Membership Terms and Conditions
- Definitions
- "Group Membership" refers to the overall process/offer of purchasing and assigning a Membership Package to a group of staff from a single department or organisation.
- "Membership Package" means a package of 10, 15, 20 or 35 individual EAIE memberships, sold at a discounted rate. A Membership package allows institutions the opportunity to benefit from not only a discounted rate but also to combine all EAIE membership into a single payment.
- "Individual EAIE Member" are those individuals that an EAIE membership is assigned to from the membership package. Individual EAIE Members are bound by the EAIE General Terms and Conditions.
- "Institution Coordinator" is the person responsible for requesting the Membership Package and assigning membership to the Individual EAIE Members.
- "Membership Year" is the year that the membership is paid and valid for. EAIE membership is based on a calendar year, with the term running from 01 January until 31 December.
- These Group Membership Terms and Conditions are applicable:
- To the request, billing and payment of discounted Group Members.
- To the allocation of Individual EAIE Members.
- To the assigning and re-assigning of the Institution Coordinator
- If there is a conflict or inconsistency between any provision of these Group Membership Terms and Conditions and the content of any other agreement entered into by the EAIE, it is at the EAIE’s sole discretion to determine if the provisions of these Group Membership Terms and Conditions will prevail or those of the agreement to the extent required to resolve such conflict or inconsistency.
- The EAIE reserves the right to change the Group Membership Terms and Conditions at any time and without notice.
Group Membership Conditions
- Any institution may apply for Group Membership and purchase a Membership Package. The EAIE retains the right to accept or reject applications for Group Membership.
- Membership to the EAIE continues to operate on an individual basis, the EAIE does not offer institutional membership.
- Membership Packages must be purchased in their entirety, they cannot be amended or combined.
- The Membership Package must be assigned to individuals who become the Individual EAIE Member. Individual EAIE Members must have their own EAIE Account in order to facilitate this. Accounts can be created here: Create EAIE Account.
- Memberships must be assigned within the Membership Year or they are lost. Unassigned memberships cannot be carried over into a new Membership Year.
- Membership is non-transferrable or refundable once assigned to the Individual EAIE Member.
- Once assigned, membership remains with the Individual EAIE Member for the remainder of the Membership Year, regardless of if they change position or move to a different organisation.
- Group Membership can only be assigned to non-members. If somebody has already taken up, and paid for, EAIE membership in this Membership Year, they cannot be assigned Group Membership until the following Membership Year.
- All other terms and conditions as per ARTICLE 2: MEMBERSHIP OF EAIE in the EAIE General Terms and Conditions are applicable to the Individual EAIE Member.
Availability and Timeframes
- Group Membership Packages are available for purchase between November in the previous Membership Year and end of March of the current Membership Year.
- The EAIE will endeavour to activate assigned memberships within one working week of them being assigned by the Institution Coordinator.
- Once purchased, Membership Packages do not have to be assigned to individuals immediately, they can be assigned throughout the Membership Year, however it is recommended that memberships are assigned early to maximise value.
- Invoices for a Membership Package must be paid immediately. Non-payment will result in the membership status of all assigned Individual EAIE Members within the Group Membership having their member status revoked.
- A revoked membership can be reinstated once the outstanding group invoice is paid or the individual requests and pays their own individual membership at the standard membership rate.
Institution Coordinator
- An Institution Coordinator should be selected, to assume responsibility for coordination of a Group Membership. This primarily includes billing, payment and the assigning of Group Memberships. They should also act as a central point of communication for the Individual EAIE Members regarding the implementation of their Group Membership. The EAIE may also contact the Institution Coordinator for the purpose of feedback and evaluation of the Group Membership process.
- The Institution Coordinator must be authorised to request an invoice up to and including the cost of the Membership Package.
- The EAIE will only allow the Institution Coordinator to assign memberships to the Individual EAIE Members.
- The EAIE will not get involved in any disputes over who membership should be assigned to.
- If the institution wishes to change the Institution Coordinator this must be done so by the current Institution Coordinator contacting [email protected] and providing the replacement coordinator information. If this is not possible (eg due to sudden sickness or dismissal), a senior staff member from the institution can assign a new Institutional Coordinator by contacting [email protected]. Frequent changes to the Institution Coordinator should be limited to avoid confusion, mistakes or liability that may arise from incorrectly assigning Individual EAIE Memberships.
The EAIE Code of Conduct
*Behaviour: Any action, communications or conduct in, and in response to, the EAIE environment
**Person: an individual, group or legal entity- either affiliated with the Association directly as a member, volunteer, or member of staff, or as a stakeholder/customer/supplier of the EAIE and its activities.
***Deceit: dishonest behaviour, concealing or misrepresenting the truth
****Conflict of Interest: Conflict of interest is any situation in which an individual, who is in a position of trust within the Association, has a competing professional or personal interest.
The EAIE Code of Conduct articulates the general values and principles guiding the accepted behaviours* of all EAIE stakeholders. It has as its primary goal to ensure a respectful and inclusive environment for staff, members and non-members alike. The Code outlines the expected professional behaviour and the avoidance of conflict of interest as well as commitment to the principles of diversity and transparency. It is the individual responsibility of all persons** to aspire to the highest possible standards of conduct, respecting the principles and adhering to the behaviour as outlined in the EAIE Code of Conduct.
By engaging with the EAIE, persons agree to abide by the Articles of Association, the Bylaws including the Code of Conduct, any terms and conditions that apply to EAIE services, in support of the EAIE’s vision, mission and values. The EAIE reserves the right to discontinue cooperation with any person acting in breach of the Articles of Association, Bylaws, Code of Conduct or decisions of the Association, or causing unreasonable damage to the Association.
The Board periodically reviews this Code and monitors its implementation. The General Council adopts the Code of Conduct. The procedures regulating the adoption and implementation of the Code of Conduct are outlined in the EAIE Statutes and Bylaws.
Professional behaviour
Within the EAIE community, persons exemplify the highest ideals of professional conduct by striving for excellence in everything they do. Such behaviour is characterised by respect for staff, fellow members and non-members with whom the Association cooperates, as well as respect for their contributions and opinions.
Persons are open-minded and understand that they contribute to a collaborative global community. Through the sharing of ideas, opinions and knowledge, the Association and persons aim to be inspiring, enthusiastic and open to new opportunities that advance the field of international education.
The Association aspires to create an inclusive environment in which everyone feels welcome and able to contribute. Persons act in the spirit of diversity, upholding a culture where the multiple dimensions of identity and expression are valued and respected. This includes ethnicity, racial, national, tribal, religious, linguistic, or cultural origin or background, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, opinion and expression.
Integrity and transparency
As a democratically governed organisation, the EAIE is committed to promoting a culture of transparency and openness. At all times, EAIE persons cooperate with good intentions and in a manner that is free from pretence or deceit***.
Persons strive to foster an environment of integrity. This includes refraining from fraudulent and unethical practices. The Association, affiliated persons and persons with whom it cooperates agree to respect the confidentiality of data and refrain from unauthorised use of materials.
Conflict of interest
Persons having a position within or undertaking activities on behalf of the EAIE act in the best interest of the Association and do not engage in any action that could be considered a conflict between their personal, professional or business interests and the interests of the Association****.
Persons may report any issues involving a potential violation of the Code directly, and confidentially to EAIE Human Resources by writing to [email protected]. All complaints of potential violations of the Code will be acknowledged and receive a prompt, fair and comprehensive investigation. This will be conducted impartially with the relevant internal and/or external assistance. The person involved will be informed of the outcome in writing. The Board may take action should a person be deemed to have violated the Code. The EAIE Office will keep a record of all cases reported to Human Resources, including a summary of actions taken, date of receipt, a timeline of the enquiry as well as outcomes. These records will be shared with the Presidency at a regular interval of 12 to 15 weeks.