Privacy statement

Clause 1: Introduction


The EAIE respects your privacy. The EAIE strongly believes that any personal data provided to the EAIE by any means must be collected, used and stored in an adequate manner.

In this privacy statement, the EAIE informs you of the manner in which personal data is collected and used as well as how you can amend your data or have it removed.

This privacy statement provides information for visitors to our website, creators of an EAIE account, purchasers of products or services, individuals submitting an application, proposal, blog post or other form of submission via the website or e-mail as well as participants/exhibitors at one of our events.

Besides this privacy statement, the terms of use and acceptance are also applicable upon the use of the website. If you do not agree with these terms or conditions, please refrain from using the website.

Clause 2: GDPR

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) legislation

The General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation 2016/679) is applicable to the data collection and processing by the EAIE as the EAIE is an association established under the laws of the Netherlands. The EAIE is a so-called data controller as stated in the General Data Protection Regulation. It might however be possible that foreign data protection legislation (implementing the General Data Protection Regulation) is also applicable on the data collection and processing by the EAIE. If you are of the opinion that the EAIE needs to comply with specific foreign data protection legislation and is not currently compliant, please inform us.

Clause 3: What data do we collect?

What personal data do we collect and how do we collect this data?

We only store personal data that is provided to us. This includes, but is not restricted to, all data provided when creating an EAIE account, requesting membership, registering for an event, nominating a candidate for an award or volunteer governance position, making a purchase via the website or any kind of submission such as an application, proposal or blog post, by e-mail or fax, or during a telephone conversation or in person. This data includes, but is not limited to, personal data such as your name, job title, institution/company, e-mail address and business address as well as debit/credit card account information or other information required to process payments on your behalf.

Besides that, the device you use to access EAIE services may also share data with EAIE, which is also considered to be personal data. You can control this sharing of data in your browser or device settings.

Clause 4: Objectives


The EAIE only processes your personal data for specific objectives of the organisation, balancing the legitimate interests of the organisation against the interests and rights of you, the data subject. Below we give a brief description of these objectives, also known as the purpose of use.

The EAIE processes your data in the following situations:

  • Creation and maintenance of an EAIE account:
    • To ensure the accuracy of collected and stored data.
    • To provide you with information regarding the EAIE’s activities.
  • Membership:
    • To fulfil the obligations that the EAIE has to you as a contract party. For example, your membership of the EAIE obliges us to provide you with confirmation, a receipt, information on EAIE benefits, as well as events organised by, or on behalf of, the EAIE.
    • To process payments and provide proof of payment.
    • To create a membership directory to facilitate networking between members. Exclusion from this list is available on request.
    • To produce confirmation of membership, on request, via direct contact with a third party authorised by the data subject.
    • To facilitate networking between members by offering a member messaging service. Exclusion from this service is available upon request.
    • From time-to-time to survey our members to better improve our service and offering.
  • Award nominations:
    • To facilitate open nominations for each of the EAIE Awards.
    • To confirm the eligibility of nominees.
    • To allow the Awards and Talent Committee pick the winners.
    • To notify nominees of the outcome.
  • Volunteer governance nominations:
    • To facilitate open nominations for the EAIE volunteer governance positions.
    • To confirm the eligibility of nominees.
    • To allow EAIE members to vote in the volunteer governance election.
    • To ensure correct and fair procedure is followed.
    • To notify nominees of the outcome.
  • Event registration and participation (physical and digital events):
    • To process payments for services, events or products.
    • To create an event list of participants consisting of name, job title, organisation and country, which is shared with other attendees of the conference to facilitate networking. Exclusion from this list is available upon request.
    • To keep you updated on event registrations you have made as well as the results, eg certifications you have gained.
    • To request feedback on events you have attended in order to improve our events and training programmes.
    • To produce certificates of attendance.
    • To aid in the acquisition of funding, at the request of the attendee.
    • To aid in a visa application, at the request of the attendee.
    • To have a third party create participant badges required for access to the event. The badge may contain a barcode, which may be used for lead retrieval purposes by exhibitors if and when you consent to such use.
    • To facilitate networking between members and participants of an event by, for instance, offering a conference messaging service. Exclusion from this service is available upon request.
    • The EAIE can make and publish photos and/or films during EAIE events for the purposes of publicity, advertising, trade or promotional materials. You cannot derive any rights from this publication.
    • To facilitate the accurate, secure and accountable transfer of your contact details to exhibitors of your choice, the EAIE offers an event based lead retrieval system. This allows you to share your contact details via the scanning of your name badge. The contact details shared are limited to First Name, Surname, Organisation, Job Title, Country, E-Mail address. You do not have to allow an exhibitor to scan your badge.
  • Exhibiting at an EAIE event:
    • To provide you with information and instructions relating to exhibitor registration.
    • To add an exhibitor entry in the printed and digital versions of the exhibitor directory. This includes data such as contact name and email address (should you choose to provide that), stand name and organisation profile as entered in the online booking form.
  • Review and select EAIE event content:
    • To allow the proposal submitter to add you as a session speaker or chair.
    • To allow EAIE staff, the Conference Programme Committee and Professional Development Committee to perform the review process.
    • To inform you of your role and duties relating to presenting at an EAIE event.
  • Promote event content:
    • To inform attendees and potential attendees of all accepted sessions and workshops.
    • To disseminate content after the conference to attendees and EAIE members.
  • Subscription to e-mail communication:
    • To send you e-mail communication tailored to your preferences.
    • To track the effectiveness of email subject, content and links.
  • Purchase of products through the EAIE webshop:
    • To process payment.
    • To fulfil our contractual obligations and deliver the product to you, either digitally via e-mail or physically through the post.
    • To inform you of similar or related products that may be of interest to you.
  • Use of our website:
    • To analyse the use of the website and to gain insights in its usability. The EAIE constantly strives to improve the usability of our website. We, therefore, track your site use through Google Analytics. This service helps us to see how often our website is used, on which dates and times, on which locations and for how long. We also use additional third party software to analyse movement within webpages. Please note that in your browser and in your mobile device you can switch off the sharing of this data.
  • The production of sector specific research:
    • The EAIE is committed to producing high quality, sector specific research to aid in the drive for internationalisation of higher education. EAIE account holders may be contacted.
    • To aid us in the collection of further data to fulfil this purpose.

Clause 5: Legal basis of processing

What is the legal basis of processing?

The GDPR regulations require a legal basis for each processing of personal data. The personal data you share with us is processed based upon:

  1. The performance of a contractual relationship with you or to take steps at your request prior to entering into this relationship.
  2. Your consent. If we use this basis of processing we will request for your specific, informed consent in such way that you can freely give this. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time by simply informing us that you withdraw your consent. This withdrawal will not affect the use of your data prior to the withdrawal.
  3. A legal obligation with which we need to comply.
  4. A legitimate interest of the EAIE in which situation your interest or fundamental rights do not override the EAIE’s interest. This legal basis is when your data is captured during registration for the use of the lead retrieval services as well as for the transfer to the event exhibitor and the processing after you allowed us to share your data with an event exhibitor. The legitimate interest is in the offering of a lead retrieval service to both you as to our event exhibitors as well as in obtaining insights in the validity of the system. We have taken your rights and freedoms into account by only transferring your data to a specific conference exhibitor with whom you orally agreed on this transfer (for physical events) or in cases where you visit their virtual stand (digital events). We also have made contractual arrangements with the conference exhibitors, although being data controllers themselves, on how to inform you before the transfer to them of your data and on how not to use your data after this is shared. We also included a step in the process allowing you to check the data set being shared with the conference exhibitors.

Clause 6: Who has access to your data?

Who has access to your data and to whom is it disclosed?

Your personal data will primarily be accessible for employees of the EAIE, all of whom have signed a non-disclosure clause in their employment agreement with the EAIE. By creating an account or registering for membership or an event, your name, organisation, job title and country may be visible on the website. This is via, but not limited to, the EAIE submissions portal, to allow you to be selected as a session chair or speaker, the membership directory, EAIE Community Groups and event list of participants to facilitate networking between members or participants through the EAIE’s messaging service. The messaging service allows fellow members or participants to contact you via your account. Your e-mail address and other contact details are not visible unless you change your settings to make them so.

At our Annual Conference and Exhibition you may choose to share your details with a specific conference exhibitor by allowing them to scan your event badge. Upon a successful scan, the EAIE will share your name, organisation, role, country and e-mail address with the exhibitor to continue your on-site interaction after the event. You may contact us at [email protected] for a list of exhibitors that your data has been shared with.

If you submit a proposal or are selected as a speaker/chair of a proposed session at an EAIE event your details, including but not limited to, name, organisation, country, as well as the proposal content, will be shared with the relevant EAIE staff,  Thematic Communities, the Conference Programme Committee and the Professional Development Committee. All reviewers are bound by the EAIE’s membership policy and code of conduct, committing them to professional behaviour. Additional guidance on use of data is also provided as a part of the review process.

If you nominate or are nominated for an EAIE Award or for a volunteer governance position within the EAIE, your details, including but not limited to, name, organisation, country, contact details and reasons for nomination will be shared with the relevant EAIE staff. EAIE Award winners are decided by the Awards Panel and finally approved by the board, your name, organisation, country and reasons for nomination are shared with them to facilitate this. The EAIE General Council positions are decided by a vote of EAIE members, your name, organisation, country and reasons for nomination are shared publically to facilitate this. Your personal contact details are not shared outside of the relevant EAIE staff. All other volunteer governance positions are appointed by the General Council, your name, organisation, country and reasons for nomination are shared with them to facilitate this.

Your name, role, confimation of event registration, copies of orders/invoices, and email address may be visible to individuals within your currently linked organisation, who are appointed to perform certain tasks for your organisation in their relationship with the EAIE. This includes, but is not limited to, taking up Group Membership, exhibiting at the EAIE Annual Conference and Exhibition, request of invoices. If you leave your organisation, it is your responsibility to update your EAIE account and remove the link with that institution and link yourself to your new institution (if applicable).

Information relating to proposals and speakers/chair selected for inclusion in an EAIE event is made available online on the EAIE’s website, the EAIE event app, advertising material and in print, for the purpose of promoting the event and informing attendees of event content. This may include but is not limited to name, organisation, country, session title and description. Post-conference, presentation slides are made available to both conference attendees and EAIE members.

Further information relating to speakers, trainers, electoral candidates, and members of the EAIE volunteer governance may also be visible. Information such as, but not limited to, photo, biography, personal statement and proposal submission content.

We only share your details with third parties for logistical purposes, under the guidance and control of the EAIE. Your data is never shared for the purpose of marketing to or contact by third parties for any services other than those offered by the EAIE. This includes the voluntary governance positions and Thematic Communities who are considered third parties.

Your data may be accessible for the purposes of development, maintenance and support of the website and our systems. We have the assistance of the following companies who therefore, and solely for this purpose may have access to your data. Data protection agreements are in place with all of these organisations. These companies are:

  • A Belgian partner, responsible for onsite conference badging services. They are granted access to the conference participant data required for badge printing and to facilitate the transfer of data to exhibitors (when approved).  
  • A Dutch ICT company, responsible for our IT systems including our network, digital storage and online security.
  • A Dutch bookkeeping software, responsible for our accouting system.
  • A Dutch consultancy firm, responsible for our integration between our accounting system and our Association Management System (AMS).
  • A Dutch educational course development company, that assists us with online training course development.
  • A Dutch forum hosting service, responsible for hosting the EAIE's Community Platform.
  • A German based ICT company, responsible for the development, maintenance and hosting of our proposal submission system.
  • A UK Based web development company, responsible for the development, maintenance and hosting of our website:, our Association Management System (AMS), conference registration platform.
  • A UK based ICT company, responsible for the implementation and management of our Learning Management System.
  • A UK based ICT company, responsible for the management of cookies on our website.
  • A UK based vendor, responsible for the maintenence of our legacy database.
  • A USA based vendor, responsible for development and maintenance of the conference app/site.

We also use a number of other software solutions whose staff may have access to your personal data whilst performing administrative and supporting functions, under instruction of the EAIE.

  • Survey Monkey, a USA based cloud surveying tool.
  • Hootsuite, a Canadian based social media management platform.
  • Facebook Inc., a USA based social media network.
  • X (Formerly Twitter), a USA based social media network.
  • Vimeo, a USA based video sharing platform.
  • YouTube, a USA based video sharing platform.
  • Instagram, a USA based photo and video sharing platform.
  • LinkedIn, a USA based networking platform.
  • Bamboo an Australian based recruitment software provider.
  • AdobeSign, a USA based digital agreement service.
  • a USA based project management system.
  • Microsoft a USA based software and cloud host provider.
  • Zoom a USA based teleconferencing provider.
  • BeSpeake a USA based online events platform.
  • Credly a USA based digital badging service.
  • Riverside a USA based cloud video/audio recording software.

Sometimes we work with other companies to deliver our services and products. These companies may have access to your data in order to perform the work on our behalf, but are not permitted to use the data for any other purpose. We have entered into a data processor agreement with each company and they are obliged to follow our instructions.

As a part of our effort to provide up to date research in the field of internationalisation and sustainability, the EAIE works with third party organisations in regards to the focus, collection and analysis of data. These organisations are:

  • A UK based research organisation responsible for the collection of data on behalf of the EAIE; this data includes but is not limited to the EAIE Barometer and market research.
  • A US based consultancy, responsible for research, analysis and consulting services.
  • A UK based organisation responsible for collection of data for carbon footprint calculation of the EAIE conference. 

If you are a member of the EAIE, your postal address data is shared with our printing and delivery company in order to facilitate the delivery of our member magazine, Forum, as well as other member benefits such as the new member package.

Only when legally obliged to do so, we will provide your data to authorities, other parties, persons or supervisory bodies, in-line with GDPR regulations.

Personal data might be transferred to parties established in countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA). The GDPR considers data transfer within the EEA acceptable. Transfer to most countries outside the EEA is considered to be unsafe with respect to your data protection rights. In cases where we do transfer your data to a country outside the EEA, we will take additional measures, such as entering into an additional agreement with such party to ensure an adequate level of data protection for you. 

Although this situation is highly improbable, we might provide your personal data to third parties if and when we consider this necessary to recognise, to contact or to start legal procedures against persons or legal entities causing harm to you, the EAIE or other parties. Besides this, we have to furnish your personal data insofar as we are obliged to do so on a statutory basis.

Clause 7: How we we protect your data

How do we protect and safeguard your information?

The EAIE takes the storage and security of your data seriously. Our primary database is controlled and managed by our website and AMS partners, full details on the security features and measures undertaken can be found here:

A secondary database, kept for the sole purpose of audit compliance is a dedicated, cloud based, secured server located in the Netherlands. Physical access is limited to staff essential for its maintenance. Remote access is secured through industry standard firewalls managed by our third party IT infrastructure provider. A back-up of this database, crucial in case of damage or hardware failure, is securely stored at an off-site data centre in the Netherlands. It is uploaded via a secure encrypted connection, which is secured with fully redundant firewalls, and the data is stored in encrypted format. Physical access is limited to the provider’s employees essential for maintenance and support. 

Besides the measures we have taken to safeguard your information, we strongly advise you to manage your personal data in a safe way. You are advised to protect your personal log-on details from misuse or loss and to log off after using a network computer. Our system requires a password of no less than 8 characters that includes a combination of numbers, standard and special characters. EAIE staff are able to reset a password on request but are unable to see a ‘live’ password. We recommend using a unique password for your various online accounts.

Unfortunately, internet use cannot be completely secured. We, therefore, do not guarantee any aspect related to security or safeguarding of information you have provided us via a data connection.

Clause 8: How can you update your data?

How can you verify, modify or delete your data?

You have several rights regarding the processing of your personal data.

You have a right to request access, correction, deletion, the right to be forgotten, restriction of the use of your data, and, under circumstances, you have the right to object to the use of your data as well as the right to transfer your data to another organisation/provider.

You may contact us (see our contact details mentioned below) to see the data we process on you. Within the rules of law, we will provide you with a detailed answer. You also have the right to correction or deletion of your data. You can manage this yourself by using your personal login to view or alter your personal data. You can also manage this in your profile or settings of your browser or mobile device.

You have the right to object to the use of your data for marketing purposes. We, however, shall not use your data in such a way. You can request that we provide your data to a third party in a machine readable and interoperable format. For example, to re-use your data with another provider. This is your right under law so we inform you and will comply within the mandatory timeframe as set out under GDPR guidelines. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you want to exercise any of your rights. If you think that we have unlawfully processed your data then we kindly request you to inform us. If you do not feel like we have dealt with your request adequately, you can file a complaint at the Dutch Data Protection Authority in The Hague.

To request a copy of the personal data processed by the EAIE please contact us at: EAIE, PO Box 11189, 1001 GD (Visiting address: Wibautstraat 129, 1091 GL, Amsterdam, the Netherlands) or [email protected]. Please mention your full name, institution and e-mail address which is known to us. We shall try to respond within ten working days to e-mail requests and within fifteen working days to requests submitted by mail. If needed, we will apply the legal terms for responding to your request.

Clause 9: How long do we keep your data?

How long do we keep your data?

We keep your personal data for as long as we consider this necessary to meet the objectives as mentioned in clause 4.

In order to comply with obligations pertaining to the EAIE’s financial records, EAIE user accounts containing any financial information cannot be deleted for 7 years, this is the timeframe set by law for audit purposes.

EAIE accounts with no financial information or other activity will be deleted after a period of inactivity of 2 years.

Clause 10: Do I need to provide you with my data?

Are you obliged to provide us with your personal data?

When creating an account, requesting membership, registering for an event, making a submission or making a purchase, you are obliged to provide us with your personal data as it is not possible for us to provide our services without this data. It is your choice to create an account, register for any events/services, make a submission or make a purchase. You do not have to allow an exhibitor to scan your name badge and share your contact details with them at an EAIE event.

Clause 11: Can this statement be modified?

Can this privacy statement be modified?

Yes, we are authorised to modify or alter this privacy statement from time to time. An alteration or modification can result from unforeseen circumstances, future legislation or changed policies within the EAIE. We will inform you of such alterations or modifications on our website. We will only use data collected based upon new objectives as from fourteen days after we have published the modified privacy statement on our website. We recommend that you check our website on a regular basis.

Clause 12: Cookies


The EAIE uses cookies on its website, there are 3 types of cookies used on our website.

Necessary cookies are used to store your personal settings, such as your account details and password or to save your progress during event registration. Legislation allows us to use these necessary cookies without consent, you can control these cookies via your web browser, however disabling these cookies may cause the website to function incorrectly for you. 

Analytics cookies are used to provide information relating to site usagae and navigation throughout the site back to the EAIE so we can improve upon our services.

Marketing cookies such as social media cookies are used to allow you to share content from the EAIE website to different social media platforms.

Cookie consent is managed by 3rd party cookie consent tool Civic Cookie Control. Consent for analytic and marketing cookies can be managed via the Civic Cookie Control panel, accessible upon first visiting the site and at any time by clikcing the icon in the bottom left corner of our website. 

Clause 13: Contact information

Contact information

If you have any questions and/or remarks on this privacy statement, please let us know. You can contact us by sending a message to our Office: EAIE, PO Box 11189, 1001 GD or visiting address: TSH Amsterdam City, Wibautstraat 129, 1091 GL, Amsterdam, the Netherlands or by e-mail at [email protected].

Clause 14: Last updated

Privacy statement last updated February 2025