27 Sep 2023

Forging new partnerships at #EAIE2023

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After yesterday’s successful start to the Conference, the energy level in Rotterdam reached a peak with the Opening Plenary. In addition to the more than 45 sessions through the day and the Expert Community networking events this evening, the official opening of the EAIE Exhibition was one of the high points of Wednesday’s programme.

After an initial set of sessions in the morning and the official opening of this year’s poster sessions, Opening Plenary speakers Jahkini Bisselink and Hajar Yagkoubi offered inspiration and insights to all in attendance as they invited participants to consider the role of Generation Z as a crucial partner for the higher education sector in achieving a sustainable, equitable future.

“In a way, our activism stands on the shoulders of the generations that came before us. Because of that, we have a very action-oriented sort of activism,” said Hajar.

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‘Our activism stands on the shoulders of the generations that came before us.’ – Hajar Yagkoubi, Opening Plenary speaker

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With the official opening of the EAIE Exhibition today, partnerships were in many ways front and centre in today’s programme and in the minds of participants.

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With more than 240 exhibitors representing over 50 countries and a wide variety of higher education institutions, service providers and other sector stakeholders, this year’s EAIE Exhibition is one for the history books.

The Tecnológico de Monterrey was one of just many exhibitors on the floor today. “Our institution has been exhibiting at EAIE since 1999 and we’ve watched the Exhibition grow each year,” said Patricia Montaño Salinas, Director of International Innovation and Networks at that university. “This is the place where we meet our European partners. It’s the best way for our budget and our time, and I recommend the EAIE Exhibition for any universities looking for new partners.”

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‘This is the place where we meet our European partners. It’s the best way for our budget and our time, and I recommend the EAIE Exhibition for any universities looking for new partners.’ – Patricia Montaño Salinas, exhibitor

Beyond the Exhibition, country update sessions like ‘What’s new in Hong Kong’ and ‘What’s new in the Western Balkans’ and the popular Speed networking sessions are other fertile grounds for identifying potential partnerships.

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On top of all the stimulating sessions, interactive campfires and Expert Community events, the Exhibition is a core part of what makes the EAIE Conference a must-attend event for international educators. Whether you’re actively seeking out new partners for your institution or organisation, getting the lay of the land and seeing who can help you achieve your future goals, or just looking to load up on goodies and give-aways, be sure to stop by the Exhibition in Rotterdam this week.

Have you found new partners this year in Rotterdam or at previous EAIE Conferences? Share your Conference experiences on social media with the hashtag #EAIE2023!

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