11 Mar 2024

The EAIE structure and how to get involved


With recent updates to the EAIE's structure and the upcoming call for nominations for various volunteer roles opening on Monday 18 March, here is your comprehensive guide to the volunteer and governance roles within the EAIE.   

Volunteer and governance positions are open exclusively to EAIE members. Sharing your time and expertise as a volunteer is a fantastic opportunity to increase your profile and realise your leadership potential while advocating for the transformative power of international education. The opportunities for professional growth, such as finding inspiration and empowerment, and for personal growth, through connecting with peers who share the same values, are endless.

EAIE members can add their own voice to the EAIE Ecosystem by nominating themselves for one open position during the upcoming call. Just like a thriving ecosystem, diverse voices and perspectives are essential for our growth.


The EAIE Ecosystem: understand how we are structured

With recent updates to the EAIE's structure, learn more about how we are structured and the different ways you can get involved as a volunteer or leader.

EAIE members elect the General Council to represent their interests in the governance of the Association. The General Council, in turn, appoints Board members to develop and implement the strategy. To support the EAIE's vision and goals, the Board appoints the Thematic and Functional Committee volunteers. 

Governance roles  

Help shape the Association's strategy and direction by contributing your expertise in a governance role.

General Council

The General Council is made up of 15 members who are directly elected by the EAIE members to ensure the Association operates in their best interests. It is the Association’s highest governing body and is chaired by the President of the Board.  

Call for nominations and elections

The call for nominations opens on Monday, 18 March. EAIE members are invited to nominate themselves for one of the 15 positions and will need to have the support of two current EAIE members. When submitting your nomination, you are required to provide the names of your two supporters, as well as submit a short election statement. This statement should include:    

  • Information about your background experience   

  • Details about your suitability for the role    

  • Outline of your vision for the EAIE     

You can learn more about preparing your nomination in the General Council Election guidelines here.

Elections will begin at the end of April, when EAIE members can vote for their preferred representative. You can download the full position profile as a PDF here.


  • Call for nominations: 18 March–05 April  
  • Elections: 28 April–10 May 
  • Results announced: 27–31 May
  • Term: Three years, maximum of two consecutive terms 
Benefits of having a role on the General Council
  • Strategic influence: Help guide the Association’s strategy and direction, contributing directly to its goals and mission  
  • Impact: Create a lasting impact in the sector and champion international education, making a significant contribution to the wider field  
  • Develop leadership skills: Cultivate and demonstrate effective leadership skills, enhancing your own capabilities and learning from other seasoned professionals in the group, while contributing to the growth of the Association  
  • Extra perks: Reduced conference registration fees and annual meetings around Europe 

Learn more about the General Council's role and responsibilities 


The Board guides the Association’s future by developing and implementing the strategy as approved by the General Council. The Board is responsible for enhancing the Association’s public standing and works closely with the EAIE Executive Director, EAIE Office and volunteers to keep a finger on the pulse of the organisation and its activities.  Board members are appointed by the General Council, after a thorough selection procedure.

Applying for the Board

The call for applications opens on Monday, 18 March. EAIE members can apply for one of the four open positions by submitting an application. The role of Vice-President will be assigned by the General Council to one of the four appointed Board members. Your application for the Board will need to include:  

  • A letter of intent, detailing your suitability for the position and vision for the EAIE, as well as indicating your interest for the role of Vice-President    

  • Copy of your CV showing your background and experience  

Applications will be reviewed by the Appointment Advisory Committee, consisting of the Executive Director, three current General Council members and one current Board member. The Committee will conduct interviews with selected candidates in April and May before making their recommendations to the General Council to confirm. You can download the full position profile as a PDF here. 


  • Call for applications: 18 March–12 April 
  • Application review and assessment period: 15 April–16 May
  • Interviews are conducted by the Appointment Advisory Committee who will make recommendations to the General Council
  • Positions appointed by the General Council: 23 May 
  • Results announced: 27–31 May
  • Term: Up to three years, maximum of two consecutive terms 
Benefits of having a role on the Board
  • Active advocacy: Champion and actively promote the mission and vision of the Association, becoming a dedicated face and ambassador for our goals  
  • Legacy: Secure your place in the Association's history by providing a seal of approval on its current activities and future goals  
  • Voice of the community: Respond to current issues that affect international higher education on behalf of the EAIE community   
  • Strategic contribution: Work closely with the General Council and Committees to fulfil the Association's strategic goals and objectives  
  • Inspiration: Provide inspiration and motivation for the community  
  • Extra perks: Reduced conference registration fees and annual meetings around Europe  

Learn more about the Board's role and responsibilities


Volunteer roles

Actively guide and shape the EAIE's content and activities through one of the many volunteer roles available. 

Thematic Committees 

Thematic Committees share their knowledge within a particular area of international education to help create the high-quality content the EAIE is known for, and to help enrich the professional lives of their fellow EAIE members.   

There are nine Thematic Committees, with seven individual roles in each group:   

  • European-funded programmes   
  • Leadership, strategy and policy   
  • Marketing and admissions   
  • Partnerships   
  • Research on internationalisation   
  • Social responsibility   
  • Student and alumni services   
  • Student and staff mobility   
  • Teaching, learning and curriculum  
Call for nominations and Member Consultation

The call for nominations opens on Monday, 18 March. EAIE members are invited to nominate themselves for a role on one of the nine Committees. Members may only nominate themselves for one group and need to submit a short appointment statement detailing their experience in relation to the topic and any other relevant subtopics related to the group. You can learn more about preparing your nomination in the Thematic Committee Appointment guidelines here.

Thematic Committee members are appointed by the Board following a Member Consultation. During the Member Consultation, members can endorse their three preferred representatives per Thematic Committee. After the consultation period, the top five candidates from each group will be appointed to the Thematic Committee. The Board will appoint an additional two members from the remaining candidates to ensure a balanced coverage of topics and expertise within each Thematic Committee. The Member Consultation will commence at the end of April. You can download the full position profile as a PDF here.


  • Call for nominations: 18 March–05 April  
  • Member Consultation: 28 April–10 May 
  • Results announced: 27–31 May
  • Term: Two years from 2024–2026, with three-year terms beginning from 2026 
Benefits of having a role in a Thematic Committee
  • Influence: Help guide and shape EAIE content, conference sessions and activities contributing to the Association’s high-quality content 
  • Growth: Develop and grow your potential beyond your institution 
  • Access to industry insights: Stay abreast of the latest trends, innovations, and best practices in the field of international education through direct involvement in shaping the EAIE content 
  • Inspiration: Work closely with a small group of professionals who share your same passion and interest, building lasting relationships 
  • Extra perks: Reduced conference registration fee and attendance at volunteer meetings 

Learn more about the Thematic Committees' responsibilities


Functional Committees

The EAIE’s three Functional Committees play a key role in their focused area: building the renowned conference programme, growing the training programmes and developing our publications.  

There are three Functional Committees:  

  • Conference Programme Committee  
  • Professional Development Committee  
  • Publications Committee  
Applying for a Functional Committee

Functional Committee members are appointed by the Board following a call for applications. Applications for open positions can be sent to the EAIE Office who, after consulting the current Committee members, will make a summary of recommendations. The final decision will be taken by the EAIE Board using the Committee recommendations.

A call for applications will be made to members when an open position arises on any of the committees. There are currently no vacancies but keep an eye out in My EAIE and the member newsletter for announcements.   


  • Call for applications when a position opens 
  • Term: Three years, maximum of two consecutive terms 
Benefits of having a role in a Functional Committee
  • Impact: Design and implement the EAIE core content such as conference programme, training offering and publications 
  • Support: Play a pivotal role in supporting fellow professionals around the globe by contributing to new training sessions, publications, and sessions aimed at providing guidance, sharing insights and fostering the development of new skills within the international education community 
  • Global collaboration: Engage in a unique opportunity to work closely with and learn from other knowledgeable professionals from around the world, fostering a diverse and enriching learning environment for yourself 
  • Extra perks: Reduced conference registration fee and attendance at volunteer meetings 

Learn more about the responsibilities of the different Functional Committees 

Communities of Practice

We are excited to announce the launch of a new Community Platform, which will be home to our Communities of Practice. This new platform will offer an interactive space for collaboration, networking, and peer-to-peer engagement. Here, all members can actively contribute by sharing their ideas, knowledge and resources, providing invaluable support and inspiration to the global EAIE member network. Discussions and ideas from the Communities of Practice will feed into topics and future EAIE content, ensuring that our activities reflect the diverse expertise and interests of our community. Members will be able to join groups and conversations related to essential topics, job roles and their experience. 

Learn more


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