Forum is going digital in 2025

Starting in 2025, Forum will move online to provide a more engaging and dynamic experience, allowing you to interact directly with insightful articles in each edition. With new features that put you at the centre of a more interactive, accessible, and sustainable platform, you'll be able to explore content like never before. The first digital edition, focusing on international student accommodation, will launch in Spring 2025. This transition is a key step forward, fulfilling a long-standing request from the EAIE Publications Committee and the broader EAIE community.
What to expect:
Engage and interact with content: Enjoy videos, participate in polls and join topic-based conversations related to each article in the Community Platform
Accessibility-enhanced reading: Customise your reading experience with adjustable text sizes and multiple viewing options to suit your preferences
Mobile enhanced reading: Access mobile-enhanced versions of the magazine, perfect for reading on the go
Sustainable together: A significant step towards meeting our commitment to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals SDG 12 Responsible Consumption and Production
Downloadable and printable editions: Download full editions to print at home, if you prefer to enjoy the magazine on paper.
Forum’s transition to a digital magazine is an exciting and timely milestone. I’m personally very excited about the interactive elements. Readers will be able to engage with Forum in an accessible and sustainable manner. On behalf of the EAIE Publications Committee, I tell you that we’re really looking forward to this exciting innovation.