30 Aug 2012

A higher calling for higher education



The recent (in some cases, ongoing) economic crises affect all international educators in some shape or form. As societies and governments around the world look to higher education to take a more front-line stance in the battle to drive economic stability, it’s worth pausing for reflection on key aspects of the global environment that are shaping the educational world around us.


By attempting to understand the true role of higher education in the changing world in which we live, we can all be better prepared for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

Rethinking education for economic growth

The new EAIE publication, Rethinking education, reshaping economies is a collection of explorative essays authored by a diverse group of higher education leaders and observers from across the globe. The publication is specifically designed to encourage fuller engagement with the notion of rethinking education to combat economic challenges. Available in hard-copy form for all EAIE Conference participants at EAIE Dublin 2012, the publication is also available for download from the EAIE website for EAIE members and conference participants. Mirroring this year’s EAIE Conference theme, the publication aims to shift our focus to the over-arching issues and trends affecting international education, exploring a number of key themes:

  • Educating a globalising workforce
  • New markets for international higher education
  • International higher education and the public good
  • International academic talent attraction and retention
  • Internationalisation and the entrepreneurial university

An altruistic calling

While the spectrum of topics covered is large, editor Laura Rumbley highlights the recurrence of three key issues throughout the publication: equality, inclusion and fairness. All authors acknowledge the importance of attending to those stakeholders (individuals, institutions or countries) which are at risk of being left behind as a result of the ongoing forces of globalisation. This serves as a welcome reminder of the altruistic calling of education, a calling which is all too easily lost in the details of our daily targets and busy schedules.

Do you have an opinion on the path international higher education is, or should be, taking? Share your thoughts with us below!

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