21 Jan 2016

EAIE Barometer: International Strategic Partnerships



Collaboration between higher education institutions is a growing trend, with many institutions creating partnerships in order to expand and enhance international offerings. This e-publication, an addition to the EAIE Barometer published in 2015, unveils the state of strategic partnerships in Europe and is aimed at international officers seeking to improve their knowledge of the topic. It covers quantity and active implementation, priority regions, content and institutional factors. The e-publication is based on data from the first edition of the EAIE Barometer survey, conducted throughout the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) in 2014.



The first edition of the EAIE Barometer, published in 2015, focuses on the state of affairs regarding internationalisation of higher education in Europe: key developments and challenges, as well as the skills requirements and specific needs of staff involved in internationalisation.