11 Nov 2020

David Julien: Postcard from the Americas

Postcard from the Americas


Episode number six of the EAIE podcast takes us across the Atlantic and into a discussion about higher education throughout the vast region of the Americas. At a time of significant stress, disruption and uncertainty in higher education around the world, we touch base with a region-wide higher education association—with particularly deep roots in Canada and Latin America—whose members are focusing on solidarity, creativity and innovation to find ways forward through uncharted territory.

The Inter-American Organization of Higher Education (OUI-IOHE) is an association of more than 350 higher education institutions in 28 countries across North, South and Central America, as well as the Caribbean, with a common interest in advancing an equitable and innovative agenda for higher education in that shared geographic space. Its Secretary General, David Julien, sat down with us to reflect on how higher education institutions in this very large and diverse world region are acting on that mission, particularly in light of the challenges (and opportunities) of the global COVID-19 pandemic. From embracing online teaching and learning, to exploring collaborations with associations and national agencies around the world, to planning for the 2021 iteration of the biennial Conference of the Americas on International Education (CANIE), this audio “postcard” offers a sense of some of the many things currently afoot in higher education in the Americas.

About David Julien

David Julien serves as Secretary General of the Inter-American Organization of Higher Education (OUI-IOHE) and Executive Director of the Conference of the Americas on International Education (CAIE). He previously served in management positions at the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and UNESCO, where he was responsible for developing inter-governmental partnerships and different capacity building programmes. David holds doctoral and master’s degrees in psychology, and has taught or delivered trainings in Quebec, China and across Latin America.

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