21 Dec 2021

Top 5 blog posts from 2021

Top 5 blog posts from 2021


As we approach the end of this year, we are grateful that our community has continued to connect through our blog and share their experiences on such a wide range of topics relevant to our field. It’s been exciting to engage with each and every one of our readers and we’re indebted to our volunteer authors, whose generous contributions keeps the blog so dynamic and vital. 

In this post, we’re revisiting the themes that our community has found most compelling in 2021. Wherever our sector heads in 2022, we look forward to continuing to provide you with more quality content!

1. Erasmus+: 6 updates to be aware of for the 2022 call for proposals

The new seven-year period for Erasmus+ was launched in 2021, with an almost doubled budget compared to the previous period. In this post, Ragnhild Berg reviewed its structure and actions for you.

2. The surprising leaders of international student mobility

The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the already growing competition for international students. Within this context, it’s been more important than ever to truly understand the international higher education landscape. In this post, Laura Hilger and Christabel Downing offered the guidance required.

3. How to help students cope with mental health challenges

These have been trying times for university students’ mental health. In this post, Jessica Price introduced us to the tools and frameworks offered by positive psychology to develop student support strategies that foster resilient responses and emotional wellbeing.

4. Erasmus Skills: unpacking the employability benefits of mobility

To enhance their employability, students need to be able to unpack what they have gained from their studies abroad. In this post, Adriana Perez-Encinas, Wim Gabriels, and Nannette Ripmeester presented the Erasmus Skills project, designed to help students, practitioners and employers understand the added value that international student mobility brings.

5. Virtual exchange and Internationalisation at Home: navigating the terminology

Over the past two years, virtual exchange (VE) has become one of the hottest topics in international higher education – but how do we define it and what is it actually? What is it not, and how does it figure into broader institutional approaches to internationalisation? This post by Robert O’Dowd and Jos Beelen offered helpful answers to these key questions.

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