10 Dec 2024

Top 5 EAIE blog posts from 2024

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At this time of year, we like to spend some time reflecting upon all the knowledge produced by the EAIE community. The EAIE blog is a space where individuals that run the gamut of international higher education can share their unique perspectives on developments across the sector and share their expertise with the broader community. From busting student recruitment myths to planning Blended Intensive Programmes, the blogs of 2024 have touched upon an impressive range of topics across international higher education. Before the year draws to a close, why not take some time and revisit the five most popular EAIE blog posts from 2024?

Charting the course of European Universities Alliances

The European Universities Initiative has paved the way for a transformation in European higher education. The establishment of 64 European Universities Alliances allows for seamless transnational cooperation and mobility across the European higher education area. Charting the course of European Universities Alliances in 2024 provided a holistic overview of the Alliance’s recent activities, highlighting their commitment to innovation and collaboration.

Five things to keep in mind when planning an Erasmus+ BIP

Blended Intensive Programmes (BIPs) offer a unique opportunity to bring together participants from different cultural backgrounds, disciplines and study levels. The clue is in the name: BIPs blend digital and physical mobility to increase the mobility options for a range of students and academic staff. With so many moving parts, Five things to keep in mind when planning an Erasmus+ BIP provided an excellent summary of how you can go about organising a BIP and provided various examples of best practices in preparation and planning.  

International students: Key for the German labour market

Zooming into the persepctive of one particular country, International students: Key for the German labour market raised the issue of an expected shortfall of 240,000 skilled workers by 2026. The blog argued that this gap could be filled by improving the study experience and retention rate of international students. Drawing together analyses by DAAD and various institutional bodies, the blog explored the key role that these future skilled workers will play in the coming years.

COIL vs the quiet quitting approach

COIL vs the quiet quitting approach explored the rise of quiet quitting among students in higher education institutions. Understood to be "an attitude among employees where they work at the minimum capacity necessary to fulfil their obligations and objectives, but do not complete extra tasks such as responding to emails outside of working hours," quiet quitting emerged as a viral topic during the COIVD-19 pandemic. The blog argued that the rich, globalised learning environments of COIL initiatives help students find balance in their studies and relieve the urge to engage in quiet quitting.

Is email really dead? Five student recruitment myths busted

Using data gathered from a Keystone Education Group survey, Is email really dead? Five student recruitment myths busted challenged assumptions often made when engaging with prospective students. The blog explored some key strategies to use when communicating with future students and dispelled some higher education marketing myths, such as the mistaken belief that Facebook is an outdated medium and the idea that students expect immediate responses to their enquiries.

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