Introduction to student and staff mobility

Unlock the essentials of student and staff mobility with this on-demand course for international education professionals.

About this course

This course presents an introduction to student and staff mobility for international education professionals with limited experience in this functional area. Using a range of self-paced individual and interactive learning activities, this online asynchronous course introduces learners to the core concepts and the key practical aspects of student and staff mobility.


Course units

Unit 1: Introduction to student mobility

Are you keen to learn more about student mobility? In this unit, our Subject Matter Expert Alejandra Vicencio (Head of International Mobility, Northumbria University, UK) will help you gain useful knowledge on this topic, including: what is covered by the term ‘student mobility’, how to create opportunities and go about funding, risk management, and get top tips for enabling student mobility. 

Alejandra Vicencio

Alejandra Vicencio

EAIE Committee Chair, Northumbria University, United Kingdom

Unit 2: Introduction to staff mobility 

How do you go about organising staff mobility at a higher education institution? What is important to consider when talking about this topic? In this unit, our Subject Matter Expert Alejandra Vicencio (Head of International Mobility, Northumbria University, UK) guides you along the essentials of this topic, touching upon the basics of how staff mobility works, funding sources, self-initiated versus formal programmes, as well as leveraging benefits for the institution and looking at some case studies. 

Alejandra Vicencio

Alejandra Vicencio

EAIE Committee Chair, Northumbria University, United Kingdom

Unit 3: Introduction to short-term mobility programmes 

Eager to learn more about the area of short-term mobility programmes? Join our Subject Matter Expert Alexander Heinz (Chair of the EAIE Expert Community Summer Schools for the 2022-2024 term) as he explains the various ways of how to define short-term programmes, how you can make short-term programmes happen, how to identify success, and the importance of evaluating your short-term programmes. 

Alexander Heinz

Alexander Heinz

Jeff Klotz Gruppe, United Kingdom

  This on-demand course will help you with:  

  • Understanding key terms and concepts related to student and staff mobility, as well as short-term programmes. 
  • Exploring the challenges and benefits of staff mobility. 
  • Exploring what short-term programmes are in the context of mobility and looking at how you can make them happen. 
  • Applying course knowledge to enhance your daily work. 
  • Recognising opportunities for ongoing professional growth and skill development in this field. 


Who is it for? 

This course is specifically aimed at international education professionals with limited experience in areas such as student and staff mobility and short-term mobility programmes who are keen to learn more. This course will introduce you to both the core concepts and key practical aspects to ensure success with the help of an expert within this topic area. 

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