This workshop will explore how staff involved in internationalisation can help Gen Z prepare for life in a globalising, diverse and interconnected world. The student community has been affected by the digital age, climate change, a shifting financial landscape and uncertainty globally.
In this workshop, participants will discuss the impact on their academic and emotional capacities, considering how best to understand difficulties and difference to produce a more enriching and successful learning experience. Themes such as competences, attitudes, communication and intercultural knowledge will be explored, with participants reflecting on their own experiences with students, using lived-experience videos from the international community to encourage dialogue.
This workshop will help you:
- Gain insight into adaptive and maladaptive ways of dealing with academic challenges in a globally uncertain world
- Understand warning signs that indicate risk among students
- Increase culturally sensitive skills to prepare graduates for a diverse career globally
- Understand and manage emotional processes that enable students to increase self-direction and autonomy
Who is it for?
This workshop is designed for lecturers, international student advisors, study abroad tutors, counsellors and psychologists, supervisors of thesis students and international recruitment officers.
Stephanie Griffiths
Independent Intercultural Consultant and Trainer, United Kingdom
Marijke van Oppen
Van Oppen Consultancy, Netherlands
Van Oppen Internationalization I Diversity I Inclusion, The Netherlands
Marijke van Oppen has work experience as Senior Educational consultant & intercultural trainer at Wageningen University & Research since 2000. She has International teaching- and training experience with focuss on Cross Cultural Development. Target group: Teaching- and support staff, PhD’s, students in multi-cultural teams: teaching and education in global contexts by connecting and learning across differences.
From her background, she puts students at the forefront and their perspectives at the centre through making videos. It gives them a feeling of being heard and able to pass on valuable information. It is key for meaningful connection and necessary to develop professional, social and intercultural skills for both staff and students.
She studied Social Education at Amsterdam Free University NL. (MA) and Master of Arts in Fine Art (MA) HKU Universities of Arts.
Member of Sietar-Europe.
Since 2007 active member and involved as a speaker, trainer or chair of EAIE. Elected Steering group member of Expert Community Guidance and Counselling; (2020-2023 term)
Involved in the mentor-programme EAIE since 2022. Elected member of the Thematic Committee: Staff and student mobility for the term 2024-2026.